Lavrov and Mogherini discussed on Saturday the situation in eastern Ukraine among other issues, a statement published on the website of the European Union External Action Service (EEAS) said, APA reports quoting Sputnik.
"In the framework of the ongoing diplomatic efforts on the conflict in Ukraine, the High Representative and Minister Lavrov discussed at length the situation in the eastern part of the country," the statement read.
According to EEAS, Mogherini reiterated EU's strong support for full implementation of the Minsk agreements, underlining also Russia's responsibility in this regard, and expressed commitment to EU's engagement in accompanying the work of the Normandy format and of the OSCE.
During the meeting, Lavrov and Mogherini also discussed the situation in Libya, Afghanistan and spoke at length about Syria in the view of the resumption of the intra-Syrian talks in Geneva on 23 February. The two sides agreed to remain in close contacts on these issues in the coming weeks, according to the statement.
The MSC is currently underway, with over 500 high-ranking politicians and experts from around the world participating in the event. This year's conference agenda focuses on the future of transatlantic relations and NATO after the election of US President Donald Trump, the state of European cooperation in security and defense matters, relations with Russia as well as the war in Syria, the security situation in the Asia-Pacific, and information warfare.