Unfortunately, during all the prestigious international events held in Baku, we are once again witnessing the attempts of various groups serving the Armenians to discredit our country, conducting smear campaigns against our country. This time Azerbaijan which will host 4 matches of the European Football Championship again faces false allegations.
Thus, the refusal of accreditation of commentator of Match TV, journalist Nobel Arustamyan by the UEFA to the continental championship is being commented by the press secretary of Russian MFA Mariya Zakharova and others. Despite there are tens of football commentators on Match TV of Russia, it is no secret that in the intention of leadership in sending a journalist to Baku who previously regularly visited our territories under the occupation, without the permission of Azerbaijan, as well as to Khojavandm stands purposeful provocation against Azerbaijan.
All the world knows well that, unlike Armenia, there is no discrimination against any person on national or ethnic grounds in Azerbaijan. Despite some pro-Armenian forces in Russia now link the ban on Nobel Arustamyan's visit to Baku to allegedly his Armenian status, actually, they also know well, while not a single Azerbaijani lives in Armenia, thousands of Armenians live in Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan’s this step has nothing to do with the ethnicity of the commentator.
Now Arustamyan, whose issue has been artificially exaggerated by various circles, who has repeatedly visited the once occupied Azerbaijani lands, despite knowing in advance that the visits were illegal.
Moreover, he was engaged in provocations in the occupied territories. Azerbaijani MFA put him on the “blacklist” due to disrespecting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
There is an ugly intention against Azerbaijan behind the desire of “Match TV” leadership to deliberately send N. Arustamyan of Armenian origin, who has illegally made visits to Karabakh, to the games of the European Championship in Baku. Tina Kandelaki whose mother is Armenian and never hid her hatred for Azerbaijan, has regularly issued statements that discriminate on ethnic grounds with her other Armenian colleagues in the Russian media, makes racist calls.
Everyone well remembers that Tina Kandelaki that has no relation with the policy, has repeatedly made racist, chauvinist statements against Azerbaijan and Turkey during 44 days war. She together with her other Armenian journalists in Russia has talked about that Azerbaijan allegedly shelled the church in Ganja and imitated Azerbaijan's actions to ISIS's terrorist attacks in Syria. Despite being a sport commentator and representing the Russian media as the head of the TV channel, her performance as a role of “leading machine” of the Armenian provocation during the Second Karabakh war says that she serves the purposes of an ethnic media network that includes Margarita Simonyan, Semyon Bagdasarov.
Despite the channel has enough experienced and well-known football commentators who have not illegally visited the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, her desire to send namely Arustamyan to Baku is a clear provocation. Why namely Arustamyan? It is clear that the game made around the Arustamyan is unequivocally a part of scenarios prepared by the Armenian network, that is mentioned above, in order to discredit Azerbaijan.
This is the Nobel Arustamyan, who took part in a so-called football tournament held in occupied Nagorno-Karabakh in 2014. Separatists organized a football tournament in Hadrut In May 2014 with the participation of 8 Armenian teams representing the regions under occupation and NTV + and Radio Sport teams representing Russia. Nobel Arustamyan participated in that tournament as a player of the Russian team, in the final of the tournament, he gave awards to the winning team of Armenia. Arustamyan repeatedly supported the separatists on his social network during his visit to the occupied Azerbaijani territories, at the end of September, during the Second Karabakh War, he wrote an anti-Azerbaijani article.
Now the question is. Knowing all this, what is behind the attempt to send such a person to the matches of the European Football Championship in Azerbaijan? What can we call this other than the provocation of the Armenian journalist network in Russia?
Zaur Mammadov,
Senior lecturer at the Academy of Public Administration under the President, chairman of the Baku Political Scientists Club