In 2017 the Southern Gas Corridor’s (SGC) assets increased by 34.8% to $ 11,087,769,000.
According to audited financial statement of the SGC for 2017, short-term assets declined by 2.3-fold to $ 190.869 million, long-term assets rose by 40.1% to $ 10,896,900,000.
Liabilities increased by 47% to $ 7,767,131,000, including short-term liabilities dropped by 39.5% to $ 446.199 million, long-term liabilities surged 61.1% to $ 7,320,932,000.
Capital ascended 12.7% to $ 3,320,638,000, equity capital grew 38.8% to $2,415,800,000.
Revenues went up 13.6% to $126.703 million, pre-tax loss amounted to $94.344 million.
Net loss stood at $46.627 million, down 36.2% in comparison to a year earlier.