Azerbaijan determines punishments for forcing early marriage

Azerbaijan determines punishments for forcing early marriage
# 21 June 2024 14:37 (UTC +04:00)

Persons who force a minor to enter into early marriage will be arrested, this was reflected in the proposed amendment to the Family Code, which was discussed at today's meeting of the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament), APA reports.

According to the law in force, forcing a minor to enter into marriage is punished by a fine of three thousand to four thousand manats or imprisonment for a term of up to four years in Azerbaijan.

According to the draft law, now the concept of "early marriage" is introduced into the legislation, rather than not coercion into marriage. "Early marriage" will mean a union created with a minor for the purpose of starting a family without marriage.

Thus, forcing a minor to enter into an early marriage will be punished with a fine of three thousand to four thousand manats or imprisonment for a term of up to four years.

The draft law was put to a vote and adopted in the first reading.

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