Foreign Minister Mirzoyan: Armenia is ready for full normalization of relations with Türkiye

Ararat Mirzoyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and Margus Tsahkna, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia

© APA | Ararat Mirzoyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and Margus Tsahkna, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia

# 27 June 2024 13:11 (UTC +04:00)

"Armenia is ready for the full normalization of relations with Türkiye," Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan said in a joint press conference with his Estonian counterpart Margus Tsahkna in Tallinn, APA reports.

The Armenian Foreign Minister stated that he informed his Estonian counterpart on the situation in the region and the process of normalization of relations with neighboring states.

"Armenia is ready for the full normalization of relations - the establishment of diplomatic relations and the opening of borders, with Türkiye. In previous meetings with our Turkish counterparts, we reached a concrete agreement on the steps that could be taken towards normalization, I would particularly like to mention the opening of borders for citizens of third countries and for Turkish and Armenian citizens with diplomatic passports. We once again declare our commitment to this agreement. I believe that it is now the right time to implement this agreement," Minister Ararat Mirzoyan emphasized.

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