Azerbaijani carriers brought cargo directly from China using trucks for the first time

Azerbaijani carriers brought cargo directly from China using trucks for the first time
# 27 June 2024 13:26 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijani freight trucks have brought cargo from China to Azerbaijan directly for the first time, the Azerbaijan Land Transport Agency told APA-Economics.

Cars departing from Alashankou city in China reached Baku in just 6 days following through the China-Kazakhstan-Russia-Azerbaijan route.

It should be noted that there were no direct road transports between China and Azerbaijan before.

The transportation of goods was primarily carried out through transshipment between neighboring countries, transferring cargo from one country's transport vehicle to another. This is the first time Azerbaijani carriers have transported goods directly from China themselves.

In 2024, the exchange of "Permission" forms for the realization of international cargo transportation by road between Azerbaijan and China was implemented. Thus, geography of international cargo transportation of Azerbaijani carriers by road transport has expanded further, and the number of countries in which cargo transportation is carried out has reached 51.

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