Uzbekistan to start building small capacity nuclear plant in fall - Uzatom

Uzbekistan to start building small capacity nuclear plant in fall - Uzatom
# 27 June 2024 19:08 (UTC +04:00)

Construction of a small-capacity nuclear power plant (NPP) in Uzbekistan within the framework of a contract with the Russian nuclear corporation Rosatom will start in fall 2024, Uzatom Agency said on its website, APA reports citing TASS.

The first meeting dedicated to the construction project was held. "A protocol on entry into force of the contract for construction of the six-unit small capacity nuclear power plant was signed as part of the meeting," Uzatom said. "The delegation examined the territory where the work on developing the infrastructure of the future six-unit NPP will start in fall," the agency noted.

The NPP construction center identified the priority tasks enabling to start operations on the building site within the determined timeline. Construction of the builders camp and the required infrastructure will start on the site at present.

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