According to IMF’s World Economic Forecasts outlook in October 2015, the Fund has increased economic growth forecast of Azerbaijan on 2015 3.4 percentage points.
The IMF expects Azerbaijan’s economy to grow 4% in 2015. This forecast was 0.6% in April’s outlook.
The Fund says Azerbaijan’s GDP will grow 2.5% in 2016, while it was 2.5% in previous forecast. Inflation will make 5% at the end of this year, 4.2% in 2016. The forecasts were 7.9% and 6.2% in April.
The IMF supposes Azerbaijan’s balance of payment will have surplus this year. According to Fund’s assessments, surplus of Azerbaijan’s balance of payment in 2015 will make $3 bln (April’s forecast - $5.3 bln), in 2016 - $2.7 bln ($8.2 bln in April’s forecast). Unemployment level will remained unchanged at 6%.
The IMF reduced its growth expectations on global economy for 2015 0.2 point to 3.1% and for 2016 0.2 point to 3.6%.