EU eyes targeted sanctions, visa restrictions over Georgia’s ‘foreign agent’ law

EU eyes targeted sanctions, visa restrictions over Georgia’s ‘foreign agent’ law
# 21 June 2024 17:11 (UTC +04:00)

The EU is considering a range of measures, including sanctions on top government officials, cutting financial assistance, and restricting visa-free travel, in response to the Georgian government’s controversial ‘foreign agents’ law, according to an internal document seen by Euractiv, APA reports.

EU foreign ministers on Monday (24 June) are expected to discuss the options paper, drawn up by the bloc’s diplomatic service (EEAS), in response to the passing of Georgia’s ‘foreign agent’ law in May.

Brussels had called on Tbilisi to withdraw the law, which had sparked weeks of mass demonstrations, warning the passing of the bill would hamper its hopes of joining the bloc in the near future.

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