Estonia sending short-range air defense to Ukraine

Estonia sending short-range air defense to Ukraine
# 11 June 2024 16:37 (UTC +04:00)

Estonia will send Ukraine Mistral-type short-range air defense missile systems and missiles as military aid, the Ministry of Defense said on Tuesday, APA reports citing ERR News.

"Ukraine urgently needs air defense to fend off Russia's continued brutal aggression, and it is in Estonia's direct security interest to contribute to this effort along with our allies. We have put together an aid package in a way that maximizes the benefit to Ukraine without compromising the combat readiness of the Estonian Defense Forces, and we can replenish the necessary supplies as quickly as possible," said Minister of Defense Hanno Pevkur (Reform).

The exact quantities have not been disclosed for security reasons.

Estonia has previously donated Javelin anti-tank missile systems, howitzers, artillery ammunition, anti-tank mines, anti-tank grenade launchers, mortars, vehicles, communication equipment, field hospitals (in collaboration with Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Iceland), medical supplies, personal protective equipment (helmets, etc.), and food packages to Ukraine.

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