German foreign minister to visit Middle East next week

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock

© APA | German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock

# 21 June 2024 17:48 (UTC +04:00)

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock will visit the Middle East next week, Berlin said Friday, APA reports citing the Times of Israel.

Baerbock will travel to Israel on Monday immediately after a meeting of European Union foreign ministers in Luxembourg, a German foreign ministry spokeswoman said.

On arrival in Israel, Baerbock will give a speech at the Herzliya Security Conference. On Tuesday, she will hold talks with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa in Ramallah. She will also meet with Foreign Minister Israel Katz in Jerusalem. Baerbock will then travel to Lebanon for talks with officials in Beirut, including the migration minister.

The minister’s discussions with officials will focus on “the war in Gaza and the continuing catastrophic humanitarian situation” as well as “the question of what a future could look like that allows Israelis and Palestinians to live together in safety,” the ministry spokeswoman said.

“In the Palestinian territories, the situation in the West Bank will also be a focus, as will the reform efforts of the Palestinian Authority,” the spokeswoman said.

“The particularly tense and dangerous situation on the border between Israel and Lebanon,” would also be discussed on the trip.

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