Based on the errand of the head of the state and the order placed by the Ministry of Transport, Akkord Industry Construction Investment Corporation OJSC is implementing the project on regulation of traffic, elimination of jams and establishment of movement without traffic lights in the area of Galaba Square located around Ganjlik subway station.
The project envisages construction of 6 tunnel road junctions (2,512 meters long) with 16 entries and exits as well as 10 pedestrian crossings. According to the project, the length of the covered section of the tunnel complex totals 908.2 m. The total length of the complex makes 2,512 m. The width of tunnels varies from 8 up 15.5 m. There are 5 traffic lanes laid here.
Tunnel road junctions shall link Ataturk and Vagif Avenues. The former will be connected with Tabriz Avenue through Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu Street. Apart from this, vehicles coming from Tabriz Street will be able to get into Darnagul highway through the tunnel without entering into Ganjlik circle. Vehicles running from Vagif Avenue will get into Ataturk Avenue by crossing below F.K.Khoyski Avenue. After getting into Ataturk Avenue they will also cross over Hasan Aliyev Street.
Construction of two out of 10 project-related pedestrian crossings has already reached the completion stage. The width, the height and the length of under-construction pedestrian crossings that are stage of completion total 4 m, 3 m and 64-66 m respectively. Two escalators and a platform for invalids will be set on each pedestrian crossing. Elements of national ornament were used during interior facing of pedestrian crossings.