Georgia acts as a mediator in the peace agreement process between Azerbaijan and Armenia - Vice PM

 Levan Davitashvili,  Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia

© APA |  Levan Davitashvili, Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia

# 26 October 2023 11:03 (UTC +04:00)

"Georgia supports peace in South Caucasus, this is in the interest of all three countries of the region," Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Levan Davitashvili told APA's Tbilisi correspondent before the opening of the 4th International Silk Road Forum held in Tbilisi.

"We are interested in achieving peace in South Caucasus and this is in the interest of all three countries of South Caucasus. This is why we are mediating the peace treaty process. I believe that today's Silk Road Forum shows that Georgia is an acceptable and friendly place both for Azerbaijan and Armenia. Today, the Prime Ministers of both Armenia and Azerbaijan are in Tbilisi and they will participate in the opening of today's forum. I think that this process will conclude with signing the peace treaty and this will bring long-term peace to our region," he noted.

Levan Davitashvili stressed that Azerbaijan is Georgia's trade and economic partner.

"We highly value our cooperation, especially in the field of energy," the Minister noted.

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