FM: New Caledonia is in serious crisis due to military pressure from France

FM: New Caledonia is in serious crisis due to military pressure from France
# 13 June 2024 17:12 (UTC +04:00)

New Caledonia is in a serious crisis due to military pressure from France, Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Caledonia, Mickael Forrest, said at the roundtable discussions and press conference on "Decolonization, International Diplomacy, and the Role of Communication in the Modern World," held in a hybrid form with the participation of a group of journalists, well-known bloggers, and civil society activists from different African countries, as well as New Caledonian journalists, APA reports.

He stated that the situation his country is facing creates serious psychological tension in society.

"We are a very small nation. All peoples with a colonial past should be allowed to use similar platforms to make their voices heard. France forced us to live under colonial conditions. Nevertheless, we fight for our rights and freedoms. In this struggle, we greatly need the support of all states. I believe that the Kanak people have the right to determine their own destiny."

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