Viktor Orban did not rule out intervention in Ukraine war after NATO Washington summit

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

© APA | Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

# 12 June 2024 14:01 (UTC +04:00)

“Our position in the Ukraine-Russia war is clear, we are not children. This is, of course, a complex political issue. This is a situation that is difficult to find an appropriate answer to,” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, APA reports.

He said that this difficult situation which was caused by the Ukrainian-Russian war is not over yet: “Difficult moments may arise after the conclusion of the NATO summit, such situation may arise and decisions may be made that would call for intervention in this war.”

Prime Minister Orbán stressed that, taking all this into account, he agreed with the Secretary General that participation in any operations to be voluntary: “Today, we were assured that in the context of the Ukraine-Russia war, the Hungarian delegation should not participate in any operations, Hungarian finance should not be used and Hungarian territory should not be used to intervene in this war. This discussion has been very difficult, but constructive, and I thank the Secretary-General for that.”

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