Head Executive Director of COP29: There are countries that produce most of greenhouse gases and are responsible for it

Elnur Soltanov, Head Executive Director of COP29 and Deputy Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan

© APA | Elnur Soltanov, Head Executive Director of COP29 and Deputy Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan

# 20 June 2024 16:33 (UTC +04:00)

“There are countries that produce and are responsible for most of the greenhouse gases,” said said Elnur Soltanov, Chief Executive Officer of COP29 Azerbaijan and Deputy Minister of Energy at a panel discussion at 29th high-level meeting on “Pathway to COP29: Sustainable and Resilient Future”, APA reports.

“The irony is that the countries that produce this many greenhouse gases with their economic models have developed and also acquired the means to prevent the reduction of greenhouse gases. This is a paradox," he added.

The deputy minister also said that each country is guided by its own national interests when taking steps:

“The situation is really bad, kind of tragic. But the solution to combat climate change is the market process. There is no solution to the climate crisis unless we bring in the market process. If in the 19th century the world switched from coal to oil, which is less polluting, it is not because the countries of the world came together and made a political decision, but because of the market process.”

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