Nurse, security guards injured after knife assault in Sydney hospital

Nurse, security guards injured after knife assault in Sydney hospital
# 22 June 2024 10:00 (UTC +04:00)

A male offender armed with a knife has been arrested after three security guards and one nurse got injured at a Sydney hospital, APA reports citing Xinhua.

At around 11:30 p.m. local time on Friday night, police were called to a hospital in Westmead following reports of a man having assaulted staff.

The health precinct is located approximately 20 km west of Sydney's central business district.

Upon arrival, officers were informed that a 39-year-old man had stabbed two male security guards, aged 25 and 24 respectively, with a third male security guard suffering a dislocated shoulder.

Besides, a 29-year-old male nurse also sustained minor injuries.

New South Wales Police Force confirmed that the male offender remains under police guard at the hospital and inquiries are ongoing.

As per reports from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, he was a patient of the hospital and all four staff members sustained injuries while attempting to subdue him.

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