"We will meet escalation with escalation," Houthi senior official says in response to strikes in Yemen

"We will meet escalation with escalation," Houthi senior official says in response to strikes in Yemen
# 04 February 2024 05:27 (UTC +04:00)

"We will meet escalation with escalation," Houthi senior official says in response to strikes in Yemen, APA reports.

Mohammed Al Bukhaiti, a top member of the Houthi Political Council, said the group will continue its military operations until the siege on Gaza is lifted and vowed to respond to the latest US and UK strikes in Yemen.

In the group's first reaction to the latest wave of attacks, he warned: "We will meet escalation with escalation."

Al Bukhaiti wrote on X:

"The US-British coalition’s bombing of a number of Yemeni provinces will not change our position, and we affirm that our military operations against Israel will continue until the crimes of genocide in Gaza are stopped and the siege on its residents is lifted, no matter the sacrifices it costs us."

"Our war is moral, and if we had not intervened to support the oppressed in Gaza, humanity would not have existed among humans. The American-British aggression against Yemen will not go unanswered, and we will meet escalation with escalation," he said.

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