Remains of Nazim Shirinov, First Karabakh War martyr, buried-PHOTO

Remains of Nazim Shirinov, First Karabakh War martyr, buried-PHOTO
# 07 June 2024 11:47 (UTC +04:00)

The remains of Nazim Shirinov, who was martyred in the First Karabakh War and whose burial place and identity were determined 31 years later, were handed over to his family, APA reports.

A farewell ceremony was held today. Relatives of the martyr, representatives of official institutions, and public representatives took part in the farewell ceremony.

The remains of the martyr were buried in the Mehdiabad settlement cemetery, Absheron region.

Note that N. Shirnov went missing on October 23, 1993, in the Fuzuli district.

It was discovered that he was buried as an unknown martyr in the Alley of Martyrs in Tartar and his identity was determined.

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