Turkish Minister: Middle Corridor in East-West direction is of special importance

Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Türkiye

© APA | Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Türkiye

# 24 May 2024 12:46 (UTC +04:00)

Türkiye is located in the center of transport corridors, cooperation in this direction is important, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Türkiye Abdulkadir Uraloğlu said as he delivered a speech at the International Transport Forum (ITF), APA's Türkiye correspondent reports.

He noted that the Middle Corridor in the East-West direction is also of special importance: "We are cooperating with Georgia and Azerbaijan directly in our east. Armenia has entered into the normalization process. After crossing the Caspian sea, there is all of Central Asia. Here we have bilateral, trilateral and quadrilateral cooperation. We also cooperated with Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar on the Development Road Corridor. We established a Council of Ministers with Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia, which we characterize as Eastern and Southeastern Europe, and we are carrying out our activities," he stated.

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