There's disinformation that we are global party, or that we have tried to foment revolution, says US Ambassador to Georgia

Robin Dunnigan, US Ambassador to Georgia

© APA | Robin Dunnigan, US Ambassador to Georgia

# 14 June 2024 14:07 (UTC +04:00)

"Disinformation is spread about what it means to become a member of the European Union. One thread of disinformation is that it needs to give up your identity which is completely false," US Ambassador to Georgia, Robin Dunnigan, said in her speech at the inaugural event of the Ilia State University’s Soviet Memory project, APA reports citing IPN news.

She spoke about the importance of combating disinformation.

“We are overwhelmed by and underequipped to deal with the disinformation that plagues us today. And unfortunately, it's happening here in Georgia. Disinformation is spread about what it means to become a member of the European Union. One thread of disinformation is that it needs to give up your identity which is completely false. All you have to do is drive to the EU and cross the border and you know when you go from Austria to Italy, there's no question that you keep your cultural identity. It is one aspect of disinformation. Unfortunately, there's disinformation about the United States’ relationship with Georgia. There are some who claim that we are a global party, or that we have tried to foment

a revolution in this country, or that we have nefarious intentions here. And, truly, it's heartbreaking to hear this, because our history in this country over 32 years is a history of deep friendships between Americans and Georgians, partnerships in the medical field, in the education field, in sharing agriculture techniques, helping each other strengthen our defense forces. Over 32 years we've provided $6 billion in assistance to Georgia”, said the Ambassador.

According to her, the USA is committed to the aspirations of the Georgian people regarding joining the European Union.

“It is heartbreaking and disappointing to hear the narrative that tries to paint a different picture than what we know is true.

So I want to reiterate today the United States commitment to the Georgian people's aspirations to become a member of the EU, to strengthen the Euro-Atlantic trajectory.

It's a future that's in Georgia’s Constitution, a feature that we've all been working hard together for decades. And it's a future that the United States will continue to support in every way”, said the Ambassador.

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