A year has passed since the beginning of a cataclysmic event on an epic scale, unprecedented in multiple dimensions, watched by a petrified world. As Israel continues relentlessly, one of the most sadistic episodes of violence humanity has witnessed in generations through the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinian children, women, and men. The genocide in Gaza has brought the world order to its knees, and what that might entail of dire repercussions around the region and the world.
Unprecedented in different forms, the repeated public declarations of intent to commit it by Israel’s leaders, the euphoric exhibitionism by the perpetrating Israeli soldiers of their horrific war crimes, sometimes while they are committing them, the gleeful genocidal calls to wipe out the Palestinian people in Gaza throughout Israel’s public discourse on its media platforms, and the dreadful malevolent savagery. All point to a vile colonial supremacist mindset that reached the lowest moral bottom humans could have ever reached.
The bestiality goes beyond the realm of vicious scorched earth bombardment of civilians, where more than 42000 people were directly killed, among them 16864 children their bodies lacerated beyond recognition, hence the UN Chief's "Gaza is a graveyard for children". It is an utter breakdown of humanity to have children write their wills as they wait to be exterminated, as Palestinian children in Gaza do.
The style and pleasure Israel's army draws from its crimes in numerous individual cases is beyond sickening, killing Palestinians point-blank for pleasure, such as the case of Hind Rajab, a 7-year-old Palestinian girl after spraying the car she was in surrounded by dead bodies of her relatives with more than 300 rounds by a tank machine gun, the horrific cases of rape and sodomization by rods (documented by the perpetrators) of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention centers, many of them lost limbs in Israeli detention centers.
Unprecedented, the surreal normalization and rationalization of the genocide of our times by the political and ruling elites as well as the media of the so-called leader of the Free World and a couple of its allies. Supplying a deluge of bombs and missiles to Israel, shielding it from sanctions, and concurrently serenading the mantra of their shared values with Israel when ruled by the most extreme self-declared fascist elements among all shades in its political spectrum, espousing the superior race anachronistic dogma. Hence, facilitating, enabling, and abetting Israel’s apocalyptic carnage in Palestine, in diametrical contrast to the outcry and massive protests of their people and the rest of the world, in an astounding complicity humanity has witnessed across the globe.
Historically, Israel has a pathological disdain for the United Nations, the body that gives its legitimacy, as well as for its Charter, world order, and international law. The culture of vilifying and name-calling the UN and its Chief runs deep in Israel as it is one of its pastime hobbies, lately, barring him and some of the UN organizations from Israel.
Imagine when an ambassador of a state to the United Nations calls for its destruction and to demolish its building out of existence, as the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations did. Let alone Israel's contempt of one thousand resolutions between G.A. and S.C. of the United Nations that Israel refuses to implement. It points to one glaring singular truth that Israel is a pariah colonial genocidal apartheid state ensconced outside the sphere and boundaries of international law. A state with this record of hate and scorn of the United Nations and international law should have its membership suspended from the world body, as done in every self-respecting organization.
The folly of maintaining Israel’s military colonial occupation and its institutionalized apartheid regime of the State of Palestine through perpetual wars, butchery, ethnic cleansing, and genocide will not work; it is simply the antithesis of normalizing its existence in the region and sawing the seeds of its instability. There will be no winners in this maniacal blood bath.
It is unfeasible to have a comprehensive and long-lasting peace without adherence to international law and relevant UN resolutions by ending the illegal occupation of the State of Palestine and its capital Al-Quds (East Jerusalem). The only way to bring this to happen in the face of a genocidal government is by sanctioning Israel by the UN. And get the culprits of the genocide and ethnic cleansing to face the full force of the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice; only then the world order will regain some of its lost credibility, and peace will have a chance to prevail between the two peoples in their respective states and the region.
Israel’s protective and complicit friends need to get their act together by lifting the immunity shield to bring Israel to stop acting beyond the confines of the law and humanity, to atone for their blind support of a ruthless colonial racist military occupation for so long.
Finally, we mourn all the lost innocent lives, whoever they are, and we mean it. In my opinion, any human being with a beating heart, regardless of race, political or religious beliefs, cannot look at the sheer sadism & depravity of those Israeli War Crimes committed daily against the Palestinian people and remains indifferent.
The views expressed in this article represent the opinion and thoughts of the Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Republic of Azerbaijan Nasser A. Kareem.