Azerbaijan still continues to face threats from religion - State Committee

Azerbaijan still continues to face threats from religion - State Committee
# 10 June 2024 15:33 (UTC +04:00)

Religious threats against Azerbaijan do not abate for even a moment, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Sayavush Heydarov told journalists, APA reports.

"We see these threats from whether Muslim countries, as well as from some Christian-oriented, i.e., Western countries," he added.

Deputy Chairman stated that they perceive these threats in the form of politicization of religion, as well as propagation of sectarianism: "When religion is diverted from its essence and turned into a tool, a means to pursue interests, it undoubtedly turns into a dangerous criterion."

Sayavush Haydarov noted that he is against complacency: "Becayse threats are severe and dangerous. They are sometimes open and sometimes in a closed format. This issue should be in the public's attention, and the state keeps it under its control."

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