Lead Negotiator: COP29 also focuses on addressing health issues

Lead Negotiator of COP29, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Yalchin Rafiyev

© APA | Lead Negotiator of COP29, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Yalchin Rafiyev

# 18 June 2024 09:50 (UTC +04:00)

“Climate change has a serious impact on human health,” said Lead Negotiator of COP29, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Yalchin Rafiyev during his speech at the Global Summit "Forecasting Healthy Futures" held in Baku, APA reports.

He said that COP29 is also aimed at solving health problems:

"The effects of climate change are increasing. We must work for a more sustainable future. COP29 will also discuss the relationship between climate and the health sector."

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