Former Azerbaijani MP Mirkazim Kazimov died

Mirkazim Kazimov, Former Azerbaijani MP

© APA | Mirkazim Kazimov, Former Azerbaijani MP

# 17 June 2024 15:30 (UTC +04:00)

Mirkazim Kazimov, a former member of Azerbaijani Parliament, died today after a long illness, his relatives told APA.

He will be buried in Hasilli village, Jalilabad district, where he was born.

Noted that Mirkazim Kazimov was a member of the Azerbaijani Parliament from Jalilabad district for a long time. M. Kazimov, one of MP of the second term of the Milli Majlis, was born in Jalilabad district in 1950. M. Kazimov, who held various positions in NAP for many years, was also the chairman of "Gasid" OJSC.

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