Chairman of ANAMA speaks about demining works in liberated villages of Gazakh

Chairman of ANAMA speaks about demining works in liberated villages of Gazakh
# 31 May 2024 13:04 (UTC +04:00)

Vugar Suleymanov, Chairman of the Board of the Mine Action Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA) has talked about the demining process in 4 villages of Gazakh that were liberated from occupation, APA reports.

In his statement to the journalists, he said that the demining process is currently ongoing in the mentioned area.

“A group of ANAMA, 2 demining vehicles and sappers of the State Border Service were involved in the work in the liberated villages of Gazakh,” Chairman said.

Vugar Suleymanov also added that the process is carried out accordingly to the tasks: “We work according to the tasks so we evaluate and involve manpower, machinery and equipment.”

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