Asian Development Bank: Melting of glaciers in Azerbaijan can be reduced

President of the Asian Development Bank Masatsugu Asakawa

© APA | President of the Asian Development Bank Masatsugu Asakawa

# 28 June 2024 16:21 (UTC +04:00)

“The melting of glaciers in Azerbaijan can be reduced by up to 50%. For this, work on reducing greenhouse gas emissions should be conducted,” said President of the Asian Development Bank Masatsugu Asakawa, during his speech at ADA University, APA-Economics reports.

He noted that climate changes in Azerbaijan cause the melting of mountain glaciers. This affects the reduction of water resources. Especially the population and vulnerable groups may suffer more from disruption of water supply.

“We must act together against environmental problems. Some people may consider global warming as a threat to the distant future. But this is not the case, and global warming is already sending threatening messages of its arrival. There are also threats related to climate change in Azerbaijan. Climate change is at the forefront of Azerbaijan,” - the ADB president added.

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