Oil transportation through BTC increased by 15%

Oil transportation through BTC increased by 15%
# 14 June 2024 10:50 (UTC +04:00)

In January-May of this year, 15 971.1 thousand tonnes of oil were transported in Azerbaijan via main oil pipelines, which is 1.8 % more in annual comparison, the State Statistical Committee told APA-Economics.

75.1 % of transportation was implemented via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline. During the reporting period, 11 986.4 thousand tonnes of oil were transferred via the pipeline which is 3.6 % less in annual comparison.

During the reporting period, 81.3% or 9 749 thousand tons of oil transported through the BTC pipeline was produced in Azerbaijan, and 18.7% or 2 237.4 thousand tons (14,8% increase) was made up of oil imported from Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

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