EC: Work is ongoing to increase amount of gas transported from Azerbaijan to Europe

Cristina Lobillo Borrero, Director of Energy Policy, Strategy and Coordination, European Commission (EC)

© APA | Cristina Lobillo Borrero, Director of Energy Policy, Strategy and Coordination, European Commission (EC)

# 05 June 2024 10:51 (UTC +04:00)

Gas transportation from Azerbaijan to Europe started at the end of 2020 through the Southern Gas Corridor. Since 2021, Azerbaijan's gas supply to Europe has increased by more than 40 percent, and this factor/figure was useful for us in eliminating the bad consequences that the energy crisis could cause, moving away from dependence on Russian fuel, and in energy diversification, said Cristina Lobillo Borrero, Director of Energy Policy, Strategy and Coordination, European Commission (EC), during her speech at the Baku Energy Forum held as part of Baku Energy Week.

According to her, the energy crisis took place amid the backround of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Considering this, diversifying gas supply routes is very important.

Cristina Lobillo Borrero noted that Azerbaijan is a reliable partner of Europe in the gas supply issue. Currently, work is ongoing in the direction of increasing the gas transported from Azerbaijan to Europe by 20 bcm per year.

She also added that the European Union is cooperating with Azerbaijan on the energy transition issue in addition to gas supply.

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