"Lachin" fighter aircraft, which was modernized by Türkiye delivered to Azerbaijan

"Lachin" fighter aircraft, which was modernized by Türkiye delivered to Azerbaijan
# 21 May 2024 12:26 (UTC +04:00)

A modernized SU-25 ML fighter aircraft named "Lachin" has been given to the fleet of Azerbaijan Air Force, the Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. said, APA reports citing the portal of SavunmaSanayİST.

It was noted that the mentioned fighter aircraft differs from its counterparts in a number of aspects. One of them is that the said aircraft is equipped with controllable "Teber" aerial bombs and missiles, as well as with tools that enable controlling cruise missiles. Those weapons have also been produced in Türkiye.

Furthermore, KGK-type equipment that can guide missiles via laser have also been included in the aircraft's assembly. Aircrafts are equipped with increasing the flight distance due to the opening of the wings, increasing the observation ability in harsh weather conditions as well as with ANS/KKS software.

Recall that the main advantage of the KGK equipment provided for the "Lachin" aircraft is the ability to correctly direct the missile to destroy the target at a distance of 110 kilometers from the launch site, as well as the ability to accurately target the missile launched from a height of more than 37 kilometers.

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