Azerbaijan exposed French spy agent cell

Azerbaijan exposed French spy agent cell
# 21 December 2023 20:54 (UTC +04:00)

A spy agent cell, connected to the French Embassy has been revealed on the territory of Azerbaijan, which carried out intel against representatives of countries known as "partners" of France, APA reports.

The website, citing its own sources, claims a French citizen, who has been a non-staff member of the French intelligence community for many years, voluntarily initiated cooperation with the law enforcement agencies of Azerbaijan.

As a result of this cooperation, dozens of French secret agents have been revealed, some of whom served and continue to work in Azerbaijan, and some of whom are currently working in a number of neighboring countries and international organizations.

Along with this, the special services of Azerbaijan were provided with evidence and documents regarding the activities of the French residency in the region of the South Caucasus, the Middle East, Ukraine, and Moldova.

The scale of the failure is expected to be a serious blow to the reputation of French intelligence.

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