Ambassador: Together with Azerbaijan, we hope to achieve best results at COP29-PHOTO

Peter Michalko, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Azerbaijan

© APA | Peter Michalko, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Azerbaijan

# 13 June 2024 17:07 (UTC +04:00)

The delegation of the European Union (EU) to the Republic of Azerbaijan held the last seminar entitled “Jobs of the future and future skills” within the framework of the “Get the right skills” campaign, APA reports.

Delivering a speech at the opening of the seminar, Peter Michalko, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Azerbaijan said that the EU has conducted a hundred projects in the regions of Azerbaijan and these projects cover 7 fields. Among these projects, there are also fields of education and culture.

“Various initiatives and programs financed by the European Union have created access to the wide-range opportunities for the individual and professional development of the Azerbaijani youth. The European Union has chosen the way to support the Azerbaijani youth in realizing their potential completely, whether through student scholarship in the framework of “Erasmus+, or within vocational education programs. The current campaign showcases a range of opportunities for obtaining the right skills to get better job and salary,” the diplomat emphasized.

He underlined that the EU will continue to conduct these kinds of projects because Azerbaijani youth have a great interest in such projects: “These young people contribute to the development of Azerbaijan after coming back from studying in the European countries.”

The EU official also touched upon the role of the youth in climate change and the process during his speech. He recalled that Azerbaijan will host COP29 this year: “We, the European Union hope to get the best results in this conference with Azerbaijan which will host COP29 as a leader in the fight against global climate change.”

Noted that the European Union has declared the years of 2023-2024 “Europe Skills Year” in order to bolster lifelong learning, and the strengthening of people and companies as a part of transition to the “green” and digital technologies by supporting innovations and competition. The purpose of the series of trainings and seminars held within the framework of this initiative is to support the young generation with career planning, opportunities of education, and student scholarship, and also induce them to commence creating a startup and entrepreneurship.

It was held as part of the campaign starting in September of last year, and the participation of thousands of young people was ensured in events that promoted the importance of skills, especially in the conditions of the rapidly changing labor market, including an educational exhibition, a knowledge competition among young people, practical seminars, a labor fair and other various gatherings.

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