NATO Allies will be able to agree on Jens Stoltenberg’s successor by the time we get to the summit, says US Ambassador

NATO Allies will be able to agree on Jens Stoltenberg’s successor by the time we get to the summit, says US Ambassador
# 12 June 2024 22:25 (UTC +04:00)

"I am absolutely confident that NATO Allies will be able to agree on Jens Stoltenberg’s successor by the time we get to the summit,"said U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO Ambassador Julianne Smith in an online press briefing, APA reports.

"This has been a topic of conversation across the Alliance for quite some time now. It is a decision that needs to be taken by consensus. We have reached a point where increasingly we’re seeing some momentum on this particular issue, and so I am very confident that we will have an announcement to make by the time we get to the summit in July in just a few weeks’ time," added Ambassador.

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