"Europe is no longer a continent of peace," Zelensky tells French parliament

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

© APA | Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

# 07 June 2024 15:16 (UTC +04:00)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned of the return of fascism in Europe, 80 years after D-Day, the Allied invasion of France which laid the foundations for the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, APA reports citing CNN.

“Unfortunately, we live in a time when Europe is no longer a continent of peace. And at a time when Nazism is unfortunately making a comeback,” Zelensky told the French National Assembly in Paris Friday.

Zelensky had joined other world leaders and veterans in marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, northwest France, on Thursday, while Russia’s invasion of Ukraine rages on.

“Once again in Europe, cities are being completely destroyed and villages are being burnt down. Once again in Europe, filtration and deportation camps are appearing, and hatred, which has become a new Russian cult,” Zelensky told French lawmakers Friday.

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