SOCAR comments on accusations that it sold oil to Israel

SOCAR comments on accusations that it sold oil to Israel
# 03 June 2024 12:31 (UTC +04:00)

SOCAR Türkiye has commented on the accusations related to the sale of crude oil to Israel, APA reports.

According to the information, the company called such accusations baseless.

“Amidst the recent geopolitical changes in the region, SOCAR Türkiye and group companies have been attacked by some provocateurs both via social networks and physical actions for some time now. These provacative groups make provocative posts on social networks, making baseless accusations that we sell crude oil to Israel, and at the same time, they attack the company building, endangering the safety of our employees. The continuation of provocative acts of increasing severity to our Head Office in Istanbul on March 12, May 29, May 31 and June 2, and to our Office building in Bursagaz in Bursa on May 24 poses a threat to the safety of the lives of our company's employees.”

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