Azerbaijan to increase transportation of Kazakh oil through BTC to 2.2 mln tons - SOCAR

Azerbaijan to increase transportation of Kazakh oil through BTC to 2.2 mln tons  - SOCAR
# 06 June 2024 13:37 (UTC +04:00)

In 2023, 1.3 million tons of crude oil of Kazakhstan was transported through Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC), Zaur Gahramanov, adviser to the SOCAR president, during his speech at the Baku Energy Forum held as part of the Baku Energy Week, APA-Economics reports.

He said that new agreements have been signed on the export of Kazakh oil through Azerbaijan. According to these agreements, it is planned to reach 2.2 million tons of Kazakh oil transferred through Azerbaijan terminals.

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