UN secretary-general says will attend SCO summit in Kazakhstan

UN secretary-general says will attend SCO summit in Kazakhstan
# 28 June 2024 04:29 (UTC +04:00)

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he would take part in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, on July 3-4, APA reports.

"I am going to the Shanghai Cooperation Council summit in the week after this interview," he said in an interview with TASS First Deputy Director General Mikhail Gusman.

Guterres went on to say that international organizations, such as the SCO, BRICS, the African Union or the Organization of Islamic Cooperation are among essential partners of the United Nations.

In his opinion, there is a number of situations "in which the regional organizations can solve problems the UN cannot solve."

"So they are essential partners for us, [be it] the African Union, [or] the European Union," the UN chief added.

"One of the reforms we've managed to have was exactly to allow the Security Council to mandate peace enforcing and counterterrorism operations done by partners - namely the African Union - but with assessed contributions with the financial support of the UN, because the UN was unable to do it," he said.

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