Iran burying late president at shrine in home city of Mashhad

Iran burying late president at shrine in home city of Mashhad
# 23 May 2024 20:31 (UTC +04:00)

Iran's late President, Ebrahim Raisi, is being buried in his home city of Mashhad, four days after he was killed in a helicopter crash, APA reports quoting BBC.

The 63-year-old hard-line cleric will be laid to rest in the holy shrine of Imam Reza, a revered figure in Shia Islam.

TV pictures showed large crowds gathered in one of the north-eastern city’s main streets ahead of the ceremony.

Seven other people died in Sunday's crash during bad weather in Iran's mountainous north-west.

They include Raisi’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who was buried on Thursday at the Shah Abdolazim shrine in Rey, a southern suburb of the capital Tehran.

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