U.S. Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations to visit Azerbaijan

Louis Bono, U.S. Department of State Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations

© APA | Louis Bono, U.S. Department of State Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations

# 24 May 2024 08:48 (UTC +04:00)

Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations Lou Bono is traveling to the region over the next few weeks to discuss U.S. support for the peace process and how best to reach a durable and dignified peace, the US Embassy in Azerbaijan told APA.

"Mr. Bono plans to meet with key stakeholders to support the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace process.  He will visit both Azerbaijan and Armenia.

We stand ready to assist in any process that brings peace and stability to the people of the South Caucasus," the embassy underlined.

Noted that Louis Bono is visiting Armenia.

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