Humanity's expectations from Turkish world are very high, says Speaker of Turkish Parliament

Numan Kurtulmuş, Speaker of The Grand National Assembly of Türkiye

© APA | Numan Kurtulmuş, Speaker of The Grand National Assembly of Türkiye

# 06 June 2024 19:09 (UTC +04:00)

Turkish states have great historical opportunities, Numan Kurtulmus, the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, said this at the press conference held after the 13th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States held in Baku, APA reports.

The speaker of the GNAT said that the changing world order brings great opportunities for the Turkic world in the coming period: "We should use this opportunity presented to us by history. The most important problem in the world today is the unjust world system. In order for this to change, we will do our best to make the future world fairer. The world is not just 5 countries. We are talking about the Turkic world, which is located in the most important geography of the world, and whose population is approaching 300 million. The establishment of a multipolar world system awaits us ahead. This is a new possibility and opportunity for the Turkic world. I want to point out that we are at the point where we will change the concept of global power. The Turkish world has a great responsibility. Humanity's expectations from the Turkic world are very high."

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