Price of air tickets from Russia to Azerbaijan increased by 1.2 times

Price of air tickets from Russia to Azerbaijan increased by 1.2 times
# 13 July 2022 12:00 (UTC +04:00)

The average price of flight tickets for travel abroad in the summer of 2022 has increased by 37% compared to the same season last year, "Izvestia" was informed by an analyst of the Russian company, APA-Economics reports.

The source said that if last year, people could visit abroad from Russia and return for 29 thousand rubles (ed. 843 manats) (calculations were made for one person in economy class), now this price is 39.9 thousand (1159 manats) rubles. Such an increase in price applies to both direct and transit flights.

Air tickets to Azerbaijan increased by 1.2 times to 40.5 thousand rubles on average, while to Egypt by 1.3 times to 44.4 thousand rubles.

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