Azerbaijan detains 36 persons attempting to violate state border with Georgia

Azerbaijan detains 36 persons attempting to violate state border with Georgia
# 14 May 2024 18:42 (UTC +04:00)

36 people who tried to violate the state border were detained, the Press Service of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan told APA.

According to the information, on May 14 at 00:15 a.m. 12 people (8 of them minor children) in the service territory of the Border Troops of the State Border Service "Kazakh" separate border division, and 24 Azerbaijani citizens (16 of them minor children) in the service territory of the "Shamkir" border division at 02:10 were detained while trying to violate the state border from Georgia in the direction of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Operational-investigative measures are being continued.

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