Rise in greenhouse gases volume increases threat of climate change, says Hungarian Deputy Speaker

Márta Mátrai, Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly

© APA | Márta Mátrai, Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly

# 06 June 2024 16:25 (UTC +04:00)

The rise in the volume of greenhouse gases caused by human activities also increases the threat of climate change, Márta Mátrai, Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly said during her speech at the 13th Plenary meeting of the TURKPA on "Green Horizons for the Turkish World: The Role of Parliaments in Achieving the Green Agenda" held in Baku.

According to her, the sharp increase in the air temperature in Hungary, as well as the drought, lead to deeper problems.

"Currently, serious measures are being taken to prevent this problem in Hungary. We see the issue of climate neutrality as a top priority. In addition, one of the measures to be taken is reducing greenhouse gases and achieving an increase in the amount of renewable energy. I can say that there has been a significant increase in the volume of renewable energy in recent times," she concluded her thoughts.

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