Ashura, 10th day of Month of Muharram, to be marked in Azerbaijan tomorrow

Ashura, 10th day of Month of Muharram, to be marked in Azerbaijan tomorrow
# 24 November 2012 09:39 (UTC +04:00)

APA reports that the Month of Muharram is one of the holy months of the Islamic calendar. Ashura is a day of mourning for the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad at the Battle of Karbala. Being one of the painful events in the history of Muslims, at the same time it is proud moment for Muslims.

Karbala martyrs are commemorated in Azerbaijan during the Day of Ashura.

The ceremonies are held on it at mosques and scared places. At the same time, the blood donation campaigns are held on the initiative of the Caucasian Muslims Board for the sake of Imam Hussein. CMB chairman Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh and famous public figures join this campaign first of all.

On November 25, the blood donation campaigns will be held at seven mosques and one sacred place in Baku, 6 mosques in the regions by the Caucasian Muslims Board. The citizens may join the blood donation campaigns at Taza Pir, Haji Sultan Ali, Bibiheybat, Juma mosque in Icheri Sheher, Garachukhur and Keshla mosques, the Sanctuary of Mir Movsum Aga, Juma mosque in Sumgayit, Imamzadeh mosque in Ganja, Heydar mosque in Mingachevir, mosque in Shaki, Boyukbazar mosque in Lankaran and Juma mosque in Barda.

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