Kuwaiti Prime Minister congratulates President Ilham Aliyev

Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijani President

© APA | Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijani President

# 11 June 2024 16:18 (UTC +04:00)

The Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait, Ahmed Abdullah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, addressed a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of Independence Day, APA reports.

The letter reads:

"His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Dear Mr. President,

We are pleased to convey our sincere congratulations and best wishes to you on the occasion of the national day of the friendly Republic of Azerbaijan - the Independence Day.

Taking this pleasant opportunity, we express our satisfaction with the friendly relations between our countries and peoples, and we emphasize that we are making efforts to further strengthen these relations for the sake of our common interests.

We wish you long life and robust health, and continued progress and prosperity to the friendly people of Azerbaijan.

With my best wishes,

Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait"

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