There were numerous reports on Armenia involving more than 4,000 of Azerbaijan’s missing persons in forced labor - MP

Bahruz Maharramov, Azerbaijani MP

© APA | Bahruz Maharramov, Azerbaijani MP

# 17 May 2024 12:02 (UTC +04:00)

“There were numerous reports on more than 4,000 of Azerbaijanis being forced into forced labor in the 90s of the last century by Armenia, however, we did not see a reaction to it on a global scale,” said Bahruz Maharramov, Azerbaijani MP during the discussion of “Annual report of the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator” at the joint meeting of the Human Rights Committee and the Committee for Law Policy and State-Building of Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament), APA reports.

The MP said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan (MIA) has set a fairly successful example in the fight against human trafficking, as well as other tasks imposed on it by legislation.

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