President of Montenegro to attend COP29

Jakov Milatovic, Montenegrin President

© APA | Jakov Milatovic, Montenegrin President

# 07 June 2024 19:35 (UTC +04:00)

"I am pleased with the fact that your country will host this year's United Nations Climate Change Summit - COP29. I will personally attend with great pleasure," it was noted in the congratulatory letter of Yakov Milatovich to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of the Independence Day, APA reports.

"I am pleased with the fact that your country will host this year's United Nations Climate Change Summit - COP29. I am convinced that you will approach the demanding preparations and realization of this very important event in the best possible way, which I will personally attend with great pleasure.

In the hope that we will continue to build the best possible relations between our countries and peoples in the coming period, and in anticipation of our meeting in Baku in mid-November this year, esteemed President, please accept the assurance of my highest consideration", it was noted.

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