Finland installs double barriers on the border with Russia

Finland installs double barriers on the border with Russia
# 30 November 2023 17:38 (UTC +04:00)

The Finnish authorities have installed a system of double barriers on the border with Russia, deputy commander of the border service of south-east Finland Jukka Lukkari told the Yle portal, APA reports.

“At the moment, the border points are closed. Fences have been installed both at the state border and within the country. If people arrive, we will direct them to a place where they can enter Finland legally,” he said.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Finland closed all eight road checkpoints on the land border with Russia until December 13 due to the uncontrolled arrival of migrants.

The Finnish government today also terminated the cross-border cooperation agreement with Russia. Official Helsinki said that on October 25 it received a note from the Russian Foreign Ministry on this matter and supported its resolution to terminate the agreement. It was announced that the decision will come into force on January 24, 2024.

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