US not interested in peace in Middle East — Putin

US not interested in peace in Middle East — Putin
# 31 October 2023 00:37 (UTC +04:00)

The United States doesn’t want peace in the Middle East, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday, APA reports citing TASS.

"They (the Americans - TASS) don’t want peace in the Holy Land. They want never-ending chaos in the Middle East," he said at a meeting on the situation in Dagestan.

"That is why they are seeking to discredit those countries that insist on an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, on stopping the bloodshed and are ready to make a real contribution to the settlement effort rather than parasitize on it," Putin said, adding that the West is criticizing the UN’s position on the Middle East.

"Even the United Nations, the world community’s clear position, is slammed, lambasted, with attempts to discredit it being made," he stated.

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