Pope seeks decisive action against sex abuse

Pope seeks decisive action against sex abuse
# 06 April 2013 09:26 (UTC +04:00)

The announcement was quickly dismissed by some victims’ advocates as just more talk, while others lobbying for reform in the church held out hope the new pontiff might challenge the Vatican’s bureaucratic culture seen as fostering a cover-up mentality.

Clergy abuse victims called for swift and bold action from Francis as soon as he was elected pope last month. Yet in his homeland, Roman Catholic activists had characterized him as being slow to act against such abuse in his years heading the Argentine church.

The Vatican’s brief announcement about Francis’ meeting Friday with the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — the office that shapes and enforces policy on what to do about any abuse allegations and what happens to the abusers — depicted Francis as urging assertive action to protect minors.

‘‘The Holy Father in a special way urged that the Congregation, following the line sought by Benedict XVI, act decisively in sex abuse cases, above all promoting measures to protect minors, assistance for all those who in the past suffered such violence, necessary measures against the guilty,’’ the statement said of Francis’ meeting with Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Mueller.

Bold moves sought: Clergy abuse victims called for swift action from Francis as soon as he was elected pope.

The Vatican quoted Francis as saying abuse victims were always present ‘‘in his attention and in his prayers.’’ It was the first announcement by the Vatican that Francis had made dealing with clergy sex abuse a priority of his fledgling papacy, and the pontiff seemed to be putting Mueller on notice that he would tolerate no easing of the crackdown.

Francis’s expressed intentions left some victims’ advocates unimpressed. ‘‘Once again, as have happened hundreds of times already, a top Catholic official says he is asking another top Catholic official to take action about pedophile priests and complicit bishops,’’ said Barbara Dorris, an official of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, a US-based organization.

‘‘Big deal. Actions speak louder than words. And one of the first actions Pope Francis took was to visit perhaps the most high-profile corrupt prelate on the planet, Cardinal Bernard Law, who remains a powerful church official despite having been drummed out of Boston for hiding and enabling crimes by hundreds of child molesting clerics,’’ Dorris said in a statement.

Others were cautiously giving Francis the benefit of doubt — for now.

The church has ‘‘not done anything to remove bishops and cardinals who covered up, or protected those who covered up’’ the abusers, said James Post, a professor at Boston University’s School of Management who teaches corporate governance, accountability, and ethics. ‘‘That’s the bureaucratic defense that has to be broken. It’s a huge challenge’’ for Francis, Post said in a telephone interview.

Post, who is also a founder of and serves as an adviser to Voice of the Faithful, a nationwide lay organization in the United States pushing for church reform, described the mandate to Mueller as ‘‘strongly symbolic’’ but one which should ‘‘be translated into forceful enforcement’’ of the policy.

This ‘‘may be a first step toward action and a test of whether the curia, the Vatican’s notorious bureaucracy, will blunt the new pontiff’s instruction,’’ Post said.

Some of those involved in protecting perpetrators ‘‘are almost certainly members of the curia,’’ and it may well boil down to whether Francis has the skill and drive ‘‘to weed them out,’’ Post said in a separate statement.

The clergy child abuse scandals in many countries have drained morale and finances from the church, driving countless Catholics away, especially in Western Europe.

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